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Easter Sunday 2021

 It’s Easter Sunday morning. A beautiful, beautiful day at that. I woke up a little extra early in the excitement of what today represents. Little did I know that Satan would be attacking me extra hard today.

I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth before showering when I realized I had no water. I have a well pump and I knew it had not been cold enough for a freeze so my first thought was to call Howard, my bonus dad, for his insight in troubleshooting the problem. But I couldn’t do that now. The Lord called him home just over two weeks ago. 

I had accepted the loss of not having him with us… or so I thought. At that moment it hit me really hard. I will never see him again. I will never hear his voice again. I will never touch him again. I will never laugh with him again. Now, I was really beginning to grieve.

I became angry and felt my blood pressure rising. I was angry because Satan was trying to destroy this day for me. 

I paced the floors of my house. Out of anger I got dressed and stormed outside to try to locate the problem of not having water. I had no luck. I knew it was going to cost a small fortune to have someone come out on Easter Sunday for repairs and I was not happy about it.

I paced every square inch of my property with the negative thoughts of why or how something like this could happen on today of all days. I. Was. Very. Angry.

I returned to my room and sat on the edge of my bed and wept. Not because I had no water. Not because I couldn’t go to Church. Not even because I couldn’t see or talk to Howard. (Although, these things were factors of my anger). But because I had realized that I was allowing Satan to steal my joy. That’s what he does.

As I sat there on my bed weeping, I began to pray. During my conversation with the Lord, peace and calmness swept over me instantly. 

The Lord made me a promise that I would see Howard again. And I certainly will when my day arrives. Not only will I see him, I will talk to him, love on him and laugh with him. 

The Lord let me know that I could still worship and praise him on this Resurrection day even if I wasn’t physically at Church. I could participate in an online service just as if I was there.

As for not having water, the Lord gave me clarity on what I needed to do by just simply asking him.

I may not have running water right now. I may have missed out on Church this morning. I certainly grieve the loss of my bonus dad very heavily right now, but each one of these things is a reminder that God is right here with me meeting me where I am regardless of the circumstance. 

Jesus DIED for us. For ME!!! He arose from the dead to give us new life. That was his promise to us ....

So, Step back Satan! I’ve given you too much of my time already this morning since you thought you were going to destroy this day for me. You’re done here! I’m giving the Lord all the glory and control.

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Romans 8:34


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