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The Story ...

(This was originally written 1/19/2015, just 5 short years prior to losing my dad. What a gift he left behind.)

My dad! My dad loves to sit and tell his life story to everyone.... I've heard it over and over myself for nearly 50 years. To be honest, there was a time that I thought, "if I hear that story one more time, I'm just going to scream"!!! It is clear to me now... it makes perfect sense.

He tells his story of how he overcame everything life has thrown at him since he became crippled and disabled in 1967. I was only two years old when my dad fell 57 feet while painting a water tower. Long story short he has spent many years recovering from all of his physical injuries from that accident. Too many to post on here.
In spite of all of that, he did everything his broken body could do to continue to support a large family. As children we never had the best of anything but we always had exactly what we needed.

We always knew that dad's situation was touch and go every time he went into the hospital. As a matter of fact, we lost my dad at least three times that I can recall, during some of his surgeries; all three times he was brought back.

This is just part of my dad's testimony. My dad was a musician and played in nightclubs anywhere his band could get a gig. He battled alcoholism, he battled drug addictions to all of his pain medications given to him through the years. When he and my mom divorced many, many years ago, he never remarried. He'd always lived alone from that point & was still searching for some fulfillment in his life.

After everything my dad had been through, it was an illness that nearly took his life back in November 2014 that opened dads eyes. We prayed over him and with him, we began prayer chains at Churches and through social media.

For six weeks dad was in the hospital and in a rehab treatment center. I would sit with him and listen to the stories he would tell me that were quite incredible! Most of them were hallucinogenic from the medications he was given. He spoke of demons… he was terrified!

Now with that being said, I truly believe this was God's way of reaching my dad. I could see it in his eyes… He wanted and needed to be delivered from it. I began to pray for my dad and that is when he told me he was ready to give his life to the Lord!

Lying in a hospital bed in a rehab facility is where my dad received his salvation.
I believe wholeheartedly that the Lord has kept my dad around all of these years for the tremendous testimony that he has to share! Everything has always been in the hands of God. God used all those doctors, nurses, hospitals, treatment facilities, addictions and all of the circumstances in my dad's life so that HE could be a witness to others that it is never too late regardless of any situation or circumstance to be redeemed!
He loves coming to Church .. he's reconnected with many people and he LOVES the Lord! He is improving everyday! His body may have been broken but he’s brand new in Christ!!

I am so thankful and so blessed to be able to sit and hear my dad tell the story of his life ... only this time with a new perspective and a lot of passion and thankfulness to his Lord and Savior! THAT was the fulfillment he desired.

( PSALM 40:1 *NIV )


  1. I love this picture and story. He was one of my first loves. Oh how I wish I could hear him and daddy sing again.


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