In middle school I met a guy that would become the very best friend I ever had. Only I didn’t realize it at the time. Then, there I was … a middle-aged woman trapped in a “job“ where I was disrespected, unheard and unappreciated by my coworkers, manager and owners of the salon I worked for. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my career… I was just in the wrong place. You see, since 2001 I have always been self-employed and at one time I operated two salons with booth renters. In March 2020, one week before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my salon, The Beauty Shop, burned to the ground. It was devastating. With no place to go once things opened back up from quarantine, I was hired at a local “walk in“ salon and was thankful and grateful for it. Most of my clients followed me there and I actually picked up several new ones. About nine months into my employment things started to change. It was quite obvious that the manager was very partial to the younger stylists there. They were al...
"Don't believe everything you hear and half of what you see". This has been said too many times from the same people that actually believe everything they hear and see. My life is an open book. You want to know something, ask me and I will tell you. It may surprise you ..... or, it may not.