I was in labor 23 hours before my daughter was born on May 19, 1990. I blame it on the epidural and pain meds. It slowed my labor that had been progressing pretty quickly until then. During her birth forceps were used which left bruising of her face and head. I felt horrible. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and her little diaper was bigger than she was. About two hours after birth I was allowed to feed her a bottle of water, since I wasn’t nursing. Then, they took her back to the nursery. She was so tiny. Like a baby doll. Soon after, I was told that my newborn baby daughter was having some complications and would not be brought back to my room. I was terrified. I had to wait about six hours before I could see her again and my heart was breaking. When I did see her I broke down and cried. Her tiny little body had so many IV’s and tubes I nearly couldn’t handle it. She was under a light as well. I was told she had MAS; Meconium Aspiration Syndr...
"Don't believe everything you hear and half of what you see". This has been said too many times from the same people that actually believe everything they hear and see. My life is an open book. You want to know something, ask me and I will tell you. It may surprise you ..... or, it may not.